Hi All,
Need some help getting my BPMon off the ground. The first request from the business is in regards to Purchase Orders. They want to prevent fraudulent PO's from being processed and paid out. The way they'd like to get that under control is leveraging BPMon on the Change PO Transaction ME22N (I am not an expert on the transactional/functional side so this may only be partially correct).
So we'd like to monitor when PO's are changed, and when their change dollar$ Amount is over some specified percentage - something like 25% greater than original PO Amount.
From a technical standpoint, our solution appears ready to roll for this. I have made sure the business process and business process steps for this are in the solution and all other setup is complete. Here is what I have so far:
Has anyone done something similar to this before? Am I using the right monitor to achieve this? I am finding it difficult to use these monitors because I know what needs to be done but when I get to the actual setup of these, it's not so easy to set up the Key Figure. For now I just want it to flag any PO getting changed so I know I am on the right track so I used 1 and 2 for yellow and read. Nothing has flagged so far.
Please advise! I would love to be able to provide BPM to my business folks.