My client is using BPC 10 NW Standard. Currently they are doing consolidation at the entity level, so on the financial statement currently they see some like this .
France / Span/ Germany/ USA/ Canada/ India/ China/ Japan/Total Consolidated.
Now the client to enhance their ownership structure, so they want to see consolidation group per region as well, they want some like this:
Group Europe/ Group NA Group Asia
1-France 1-USA 1-India
2-Span 2 Canada 2-China
3-Germany 3- Japan
I know that grouping entities per region can be done if I change the ownership structuration and Maintain the entity dimension. My question is that what additional change need to be done ? should that have to change or added additional business rules for the group to work ? or everything is going to automatically roll up.
Please advice rewarded point will be done !!!