Hi experts,
I have a query regarding clearing of installment plan.
My example:
N° Due date Installment amount
1 14.12.2015 10,00
2 14.01.2016 10,00
3 15.02.2016 10,00
4 14.03.2016 10,00
5 14.04.2016 10,95
For some customers we have to clear the last installment before the first ones.
The first installment to be cleared is the installment for which the amount is 10,95.
Previous installments are not cleared yet.
For example:
N° Due Installment amount
1 14.12.2015 10,00
2 14.01.2016 10,00
3 15.02.2016 10,00
4 14.03.2016 10,00
- 5 14.04.2016 10,95 ç To be cleared first
I have ticked “Sort” in the corresponding clearing step.
So the corresponding documents were cleared in the DFKKOP table. This is fine.
My problem is that the first installment was cleared whereas we would clear the last one ; In the DFKKOPW table the first item of the installment plan was cleared. We want to clear the last one
Document N° Due Clearing date Clearing doc
- 140000000660 1 14.12.2015 03.06.2016 212750000019 ç it has been cleared
140000000660 2 14.01.2016
140000000660 3 15.02.2016
- 140000000660 4 14.03.2016 ç But I want to clear this item first
In the payment lot (FP05) have been used the contract account number (K) and the document number which is related to the installment plan number (B=140000000660)
I need to know, what can be done to clear the last installment before the other ones.
Thanks you.
Kind regards,