We want to connect SAP BI 4 Web Intelligence to SAP BPC 10 cubes. I have previously visited this area in SAP BPC 7.5 and had used the ODBO connector which was atrociously slow so we extracted the data into SAP BW to connect to.
In the note "1731626 - Data source connectivity options between BusinessObjects BI tools and BPC" it states the below, that we can connect to SAP BPC 10 using BEx Query Designer. The question I have then are we now OK to create BEx Queries on BPC applications? Previously this was not supported?
Web Intelligence BI 4.0
Data source | Runtime connectivity requirements | Design time requirements |
BPC 7.5 (MS, NW) |
BPC 7.5 (MS, NW) |
BPC 10 MS |
BPC 10 NW |